Arborists in Fort Collins possess extensive knowledge about the diverse tree species, climate and soil conditions present here, which enables them to offer customized approaches for pruning.
Avoid flush and stub cuts that leave too much of the branch collar intact as this exposes your wound to insects, disease and rot.
1. Tapering Branches
Tapering branches reduces weight and stress on limbs and trunks. Small branches should be pruned back to their collars (swell or rings at their bases where branches join a larger one or trunk), helping prevent bark tears should an unexpected branch drop unexpectedly.
Pruning cuts should always be made close to the collar rather than flush with it to promote quicker wound closure and lessening of risk from fungus and wood decay organisms entering into the trunk.
Precision pruning techniques are key to maintaining healthy and safe trees in Fort Collins. Certified arborists such as Fort Collins tree service – Visit Website – will know all of Fort Collins’ tree regulations inside and out and will ensure all work is performed professionally; additionally they can offer emergency tree services when required.
2. Extending Branches
Tree branches that extend beyond its canopy can be hazardous, increasing the chance of injury or property damage and making it harder to maintain the desired shape. Furthermore, this exposes it to more disease organisms and pests through pruning cuts which leave wounds.
An ISA Certified Arborist can identify and prune extending branches while still preserving the overall form of the tree, thus decreasing recurring pruning jobs, thereby saving money and protecting property values.
Make the first cut near where a branch attaches to another element such as the trunk or lateral branch, then make a second, slightly further out cut to remove excess weight, creating an undercut and allowing the branch to fall without leaving a stub behind. This technique also ensures that wounds from pruning cuts heal more quickly reducing decay risk.
3. Reducing Weight
Northern Colorado weather can produce powerful winds, heavy snowfall and intense heat that can damage or break tree limbs that come too close to power lines, sidewalks or driveways. Regular tree pruning service visits will reduce these issues and prevent costly structural damages caused by falling limbs during storms.
Thinner crowns allow more sunlight to reach its branches, improve air circulation, and take in water more effectively, as well as alleviate stresses on specific limbs from gravity, wind or ice and snow accumulation.
Remember to prune carefully; too much trimming can weaken trees. Be wary when selecting and removing limbs to avoid making flush cuts (cutting directly into live tissue) or stub cuts (leaving too much branch stub). Pruning should ideally take place late winter or early spring while the tree is dormant to enable faster wound closure and encourage growth.
4. Raising Canopy
Tree limbs that hang low can impede views, block sidewalks and patios, and pose safety threats. Through canopy raising (also known as crown lifting), our arborists use a technique known as crown lifting to remove lower branches that hinder upward growth and thus avoid future issues.
After an unusually wet summer, your trees may have sprouted gangly limbs that extend far above normal height. While it might be tempting to trim these limbs indiscriminately – which would only end up damaging more trees – do so carefully by targeting only those causing problems and cutting back to their branch collar.
Careful removal of low limbs from your canopy can significantly decrease debris that falls during storms or snowstorms and also lower damage risks to homes or cars. Therefore, canopy raising should be performed regularly – combined with crown cleaning techniques such as crown thinning and structure pruning for maximum effectiveness – for best results in late winter or early spring.